UPCOMING WEBINAR – Unbaffling baffle factors using tracer testing
Unbaffling baffle factors using tracer testing
Date: Thursday, 13th August
Time: 12 – 12.45pm
Topic: Chlorine Disinfection Contact Time. Ie: looking into chlorine contact tanks and short-circuiting effects by determining the baffle factor through tracer testing.
Presenter: Michael Carter, Senior Process Engineer.
What: Chlorine disinfection is vitally important as it is typically the final barrier to pathogens at a WTP. Validating disinfection practices at a WTP is therefore crucial in confirming disinfection effectiveness. The baffle factor is a commonly used method to simplify and estimate the short-circuiting behaviour within a contact tank. However recent tracer testing results undertaken to quantify baffle factors have shown potential pitfalls of adopting standard guidelines.
Join us and Brendan Guiney (NSW Water Directorate) to learn more.