Dean Taylor
Dean is a highly experienced Water and Wastewater Systems operations manager. He has been with Hunter H2O since 2018 and in that time has proven to be a highly skilled Sector Lead – Asset Management. He has extensive experience working in Australia, Vietnam, Fiji, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines.
Dean has a proven reputation for success providing developing pacific countries specialist utility organisational advice. Most recently Dean was the Utility Specialist engaged to support the Asian Development Bank to improve WASH in the Pacific region. This project involved assisting water utilities in areas related to governance surrounding WASH service provision, priorities, institutional arrangements, capacity of WASH service providers, financing, and barriers and enablers to improved service delivery.
In December 2020, to support the Asian Development Bank’s water sanitation strengthening efforts in the Pacific, Dean collaborated with the ADB to run the first of a series of Pandemic Planning workshops to best equip 11 of the represented Pacific nations with Pandemic Response Plans. These capability development workshops will continue throughout 2021 on a broad range of topics, many of which align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.